In light of the information recently released by EPA regarding drinking water contamination by PFAS, the
Lewes Board of Public Works (BPW) wants to assure its customers it has continued to take this matter
very seriously. In 2021, the BPW participated in a voluntary water study provided by the Delaware
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) and the Office of Drinking Water
(ODW). These organizations collected samples statewide and tested the samples for two PFAS
compounds: perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). At that time, the
State of Delaware had identified 70 parts per trillion (ppt) as the maximum allowable level for these
contaminants, in compliance with the existing EPA standards. Our groundwater sources tested well
below those levels to of 3.13 ppt and 1.89 ppt for PFOS and PFOA, respectively.

In March 2023, the EPA proposed new regulations for six PFAS compounds, including PFOS and PFOA.
Under the newly proposed regulations, the maximum limit for each PFOS and PFOA individually is 4.0
ppt. The BPW drinking water sample collected was still under these extremely low limits.
Implementation of the new regulations will not go into effect until finalization. More information on the
proposed EPA regulations can be found at:

Lewes Board of Public Works is committed to providing the Lewes community with high quality water
and has been proactive in maintaining a healthy water supply. Protecting the well recharge areas
continue to be a top priority for the BPW. In 2020, the BPW, Sussex County and the City of Lewes,
participated in purchasing the Jones Farm, which is a property located adjacent to the BPW well field and
is within the recharge area. In addition, the BPW has several capital projects planned that include new
well development, replacing iron pipe in the distribution system, and other improvements. All projects
will contribute to the protection of our drinking water.

For more information about Lewes Board of Public Works and water quality, please visit, contact customer service at or call 302-645-